Biometry, Data Management & Informatics in Clinical Trials
Group Dr. Thomas Asendorf
Aiming to improve the course of clinical trials the working group Biostatistics, Data Management and Informatics in Clinical Trials was formed. The working group lies at the cross-sections between the Clinical Trials Unit UMG and the Departments for Medical Statistics and Department of Medical Informatics, and supervises clinical trials during application, start, execution and evaluation.
Assistance in filing the application
Together with the Clinical Trials Unit UMG we support grant applications concerning biostatistical and data management aspects. Particularly, this includes assistance with:
- Choice of primary and secondary endpoints
- Choice of a suitable study design
- Calculation of sample size and power
- Choose of appropriate database solutions
Data management and off-site monitoring
Results of clinical trials have to be collected reliable and in high quality to be plausible. Our data management supports you with these requirements by:
- Creation of web-based databases in secuTrial®
- Support with choice of items and assistance in conception of questionnaires
- Configuration, validation and versioning of electronic case report forms (eCRF) for data collection
- User management and user support concerning eCRF
- Support in pharmacovigilance, e.g. reporting of (suspected/unexpected) serious adverse events
- Creation of data management specific documents like safety reports, e.g. for administration, ethics committee, data monitoring committee
- Query management/off-site data checks for securing high quality data
- Database lock at end of the trial
Innovative data collection and integration of external data sources
Some studies require additional types of data collection, which exceed the possibilities of secuTrial® or connections to further data sources are desired in cooperation projects. Here the medical informatics supports:
- Patient Reported Outcome Studies
- Sensor measurements via wearables
- Connection of pseudonymization services
- Connection of image data management systems and laboratory information systems
Interim analyses and statistical evaluation of clinical trials
Following data acquisition and database lock the statistical evaluation is performed with special attention to testing of primary and secondary endpoints. Besides the statistical evaluation at the end of trials this includes also evaluations during the trial. The working group handles all necessary biometrical aspects concerning the evaluation of your trial data:
- Creation of a statistical analysis plan (SAP)
- Intermediate statistical analyses, e.g. sample size recalculations
- Descriptive evaluation of patient population
- Statistical evaluation of primary and secondary endpoints of different data types
- Preparation of meaningful graphics
Assistance with publications
At the end of clinical trials, the results are published. Here we also offer:
- Evaluation of specific statistical questions
- Explanation of used statistical methods ("Material and Methods")
- Creation of publication-ready graphics
- Publication of trial protocols

contact information
- telephone: +49 551 3963026
- fax: +49 551 3965605
- e-mail address: Thomas.Asendorf(at)
- location: Humboldtallee 32, 1. OG, 132
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