Courses in winter term 2023/2024

Here you will find an overview of the courses in which the Department of Medical Statistics is involved. Details of the courses can be viewed on the eCampus of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen:

Nr. Event Name Event Type
440904 Analysis of longitudinal and time-to-event data (M.MED.0020) Lecture with exercise
340061 Basic statistics for graduate students in the life sciences - an introduction using R Block course
440810 Betreutes Arbeiten Biometrie Practical
440756 Cardiovascular research in academia and industry (M.CVS.301) Lecture
440710 Ereigniszeitanalyse Lecture with exercise
340593 Introduction to Biostatistics for IMPRS Neurosciences Lecture with exercise
440711 Lineare Modelle und ihre mathematischen Grundlagen Lecture with exercise
990253 Mathematische Grundlagen der Angewandten Statistik Lecture with exercise
440726 Neue Statistik Self-study unit
440674 Statistische Methoden in der Biometrie Oberseminar
4501506 W109 Auswertung klinischer Daten mit STATISTICA Self-study unit

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