Department of Medical Statistics
Job Offers at the Department of Medical Statistics

Within the medical faculty and across the Göttingen Research Campus, the Department of Medical Statistics offers consulting and training in the areas of biometrical and bioinformatics analysis of clinical and molecular data. Additionally, the department is actively conducting research with focus on adaptive designs of clinical trials, evidence synthesis and statistical analysis of high-dimensional data.
In addition to the consulting and training of scientists and students of the medical faculty within the scientific core facilities participation in third-party-funded projects and multi-disciplinary consortia plays a major role in the activities of the department.
Even if there is currently no suitable vacancy, you are welcome to send us an unsolicited application. We are always looking for staff with a degree in biostatistics, health economics and health sciences for methodological research as well as for support in the area of clinical trials, health services research and evidence-based medicine to work on externally funded projects and in our service groups.
If you are interested, please send your application to sekretariat.ams(at)
Topics for Theses
We offer a range of topics for theses in the areas mentioned above. However, we also welcome your own suggestions. The following topics are currently offered by our working and service groups.
Working group Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials:
- "Agent-based modelling of therapeutic interventions: How can we explore complex patient-therapist interactions and their effects in childhood obesity therapy with agent based models (ABM)?" (joint project with Professor Kerstin Wiegand)
- "An empirical investigation of 'study twins' based on the Cochrane Library"
Working group Computational Statistics:
- "Comparing Causal Forests with GAMLSS for Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Evaluation"
- "Treatment effects on a bivariate outcome using distributional copula regression models"
- "Incorporating Variability into Treatment Optimization Algorithms"
- "Variable selection for causal inference in observational data: propositions for GAMLSS"
Scientific Core Facility Medical Biometry and Statistical Bioinformatics:
- "Design aspects of federated learning" - Federated learning refers to an approach of learning on distributed data that does not require the merging of data. Such approaches are particularly attractive in a medical context due to the high data protection requirements. As part of the German Health Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases, this project aims to investigate various design aspects of federated learning as applied to CT and ECG data in cardiac patients.
- "Implementation and Testing of an Analysis Pipeline for Single-Cell Data Analysis" - Single-Cell Experiments are new Techniques with an increased use to tackle questions in molecular biology. While the analysis steps are already implemented, the increasing demand suggests to implement a fully-automatized analysis pipeline. The project would be supervised in collaboration with the Translational multiomics and precision cardiology group.
- "Prediction of Cas13 RNA silencing efficency from gRNA primary sequence" - Cas13 is a protein that degrades specific RNA molecules in dependence of a gRNA sequence. The Efficency of gRNA sequences remains elusive and its prediction is subject to ongoing research. The Translational multiomics and precision cardiology group collected data that can serve as training data for machine learning algorithms to tackle that problem.
- "Multimodal single-cell based Up-stream Analysis" - Multimodal single-cell experiments allow to gather information about gene status and its regulation simultanously in a single-cell resolution. These data bares the potential to identify potential triggers for a specific gene expression change in a specific cell context. The development and extension of an integrative analysis method remains a challenge.
- "Identification of genes that drive epigenetic changes" - In a previous project we used epigenetic features to predict gene activation. From this project the idea was born to reverse the task and implement an interpretable machine learning model in order to identify which genes steer the relevant epigenetic changes.
Service group "Biometry, Data Management and Informatics in Clinical Trials":
- “Already AI or still statistics? Comparing current trends to traditional statistical modelling: Theory and Simulations”
If you are interested in writing a thesis, please contact the head of the relevant working or service group directly.
Job Offers of the UMG
We are constantly on the lookout for new employees who will use passion, enthusiasm and new ideas to drive UMG forward.
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