Statistical Guidance
Support in practical implementation of statistical procedures
We support you in analysing your medical and experimental data. This service offer aims to give guidance during the implementation of statistical procedures with statistical programmes.
You can take advantage of the "Statistical Guidance" (formerly "Coached working") in presence or online. We also offer time slots for self-study.
Funding is provided through the basic funding of the service organisation and from teaching resources.
For methodological and questions about statistical content, please take advantage of our statistic and bioinformatic consultation services.
Statistical Guidance - presence
Statistical guidance takes place as an open consultation hour for which you do not need to register.
We offer time slots in the CIP room of our department.
We also offer time slots for Statistical Guidance in the Learning Resources Center (LRC), which is located in the Medicial Library.
The LRC is signposted in the Medicial Library.
Inside the LRC, you can find the Statistical Guidance by looking for the table stand shown on the right (or by contacting the studIT service desk).

Statistical Guidance – online
You can also take advantage of Statistical Guidance in the form of a video conference.
We offer pre-scheduled time slots for this. If you would like to make an appointment during these time slots, please send an email in advance to the student assistant (see below for contact details) noted in the calendar.
Appointments outside the specified times can also be arranged by email.
Self study
The statistics programmes in our department can also be used on the computers in the CIP room without guidance, provided the room is not otherwise occupied.
The following statistics programmes are installed there: Statistica, SAS/JMP, SPSS, nQuery, Perseus, R/R-Studio, Review Manager, IGV, G*Power, PS Power and Sample Size, Jamovi.
Calendar: Schedules and timetable
You can view the time slots for statistical guidance and self-study here (all information without guarantee, subject to change): Calendar.
Our Team
contact information
- e-mail address: s.koeller(at)

contact information
- e-mail address: marc.saalfrank(at)