Long-Hao Xu, MSc
Doktorand AG Statistische Methoden für klinische Studien
Telefon: +49 551 3961193
Telefax: +49 551 3965605
E-Mail: long-hao.xu(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Ort: Humboldtallee 32, EG 0.164

Kurzer Lebenslauf
[Seit 06/2022]
Doktorand, Institut für Medizinische Statistik, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
[09/2020 – 09/2021]
Studium der Statistic, University of Manchester, Abschluss: Master of Science
[09/2016 – 06/2020]
Studium der Statistik, Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, Abschluss: Bachelor of Science
- Master of Science (The University of Manchester, 2021): “On the analysis of efficacy for binary outcomes in randomized controlled trials”
- Bachelor of Science (Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, 2020): “Properties and generation of representative points of the exponential distribution”
Weitere Publikationen
- Long-Hao Xu, Kai-Tai Fang, and Ping He (2021) Properties and generation of representative points of the exponential distribution. Statistical Papers, doi.org/10.1007/s00362-021-01236-1
- Long-Hao Xu, Kai-Tai Fang, and Jianxin Pan (2021) Limiting behavior of the gap between the largest two representative points of statistical distributions. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1970772