Scientific Core Facility Medical Biometry and Statistical Bioinformatics

Department of Medical Statistics

The Scientific Core Facility Medical Biometry and Statistical Bioinformatics (MBSB), situated at the Department of Medical Statistics, is an infrastructure unit of the University Medical Center Göttingen. It is tasked with statistical and bioinformatics support for the institutions, working groups and doctoral students of UMG in the planning and analysis phase of their studies and experiments.

Bioinformatics support comprises the analysis of proteomics as well as next-generation sequencing (NGS) data in particular.

Depending on current capacity, these services can also be used by other institutions of Georg August University of Göttingen, as well as other research facilities within the "Göttingen Campus".

On this website you will find an overview of our service portfolio as well as contact information. You may also refer to out terms of service  as well as our fees catalog.

Services offered

[Translate to Englisch:] Nahaufnahme eines Quellcodes am Monitor

MBSB offers support for the following:

  • Study design, sample size calculations
  • Statistical and bioinformatics concepts for grant applications
  • Data wrangling, data management
  • Statistical analysis of medical and biological datasets
  • Bioinformatics analysis of medical and biological datasets (e.g. proteomics and next-generation sequencing data)
  • Analysis of sequencing data (e.g. scRNA-seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, Methyl-seq, metagenomics Data, copy number changes)
  • Development of specialized analysis approaches and software
  • Interpretation of results
  • Software selection
  • Visualization and representation of results

Statistics and bioinformatics consultation

We offer statistics and bioinformatics consultation services to students, doctoral students and researchers.

Short consulting

The short consulting service provides assistance with simple and brief questions on statistical, biometrical and bioinformatics matters, especially for medical doctoral theses. Short consulting take place Tuesdays 1-3pm, and can be attended as often as required. To avoid long waiting times, sessions are typically limited to 15-30 minutes. No prior appointment is necessary.

You can attend the short consulting session in person or online. For face-to-face consulting, simply drop by our department during the short consulting period (Humboldtallee 32, ground floor). For online counselling, click here to go to the waiting area in Matrix-Chat (please use as “Heim-Server”).

More extensive consulting

For more extensive consultations, or if you are unable to make use of the short consulting service, please use the web form to make an appointment for a project meeting instead.

Professional analysis and study design

We offer professional biostatistics and bioinformatics design and analysis for scientific studies. We recommend to contact MBSB early on, i.e. in the planning phase of the experiment, to ensure an appropriate match between the study goals, its design, data collection and analysis. This helps to avoid serious flaws which could jeopardize the study.


To register for an appointment, please use our PDF or web form. A staff scientist will contact you shortly afterwards for a date and time. Please note that, depending on the extent of the research, this service may involve a fee. This money serves only to re-finance the core facility and will be fully rerouted back into the UMG research budget.

Statistical guidance

Statistical guidance provides support in the use of statistical and bioinformatics software. For further information, see statistical guidance.

Methods and software courses

MBSB offers special courses for selected biostatistics and informatical methods and software. Dates will be announced on our website. Examples include:

  • „Data Analysis in Proteomics“
  • „Biometry und sample size planning in grants for animal studies“
  • „Analysis of NGS experiments“


Details will be provided with the respective course announcement.



Dr. Andreas Leha

Dr. Andreas Leha

contact information

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Dr. Fabian Kück

Dr. Fabian Kück

contact information

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Niels Benjamin Paul

 Niels Benjamin Paul

contact information

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